Support & Education
Support & Education for Parents in East Amherst, NY

abc Therapeutics
abc Therapeutics recognizes the unique and irreplaceable role that parents play in the lives of their own children. We provide education, training, and support to parents so that they are best able to advocate for the needs of their children. We help parents learn about:
- Special education laws
- Rights under special education laws
- Participating as a team member on the CSE/CPSE
- Developing meaningful goals on their child's IEP
- Communicating with professionals regarding their child
- Developing balance between educational programming, healthy recreation, and rest for their children
Parents experience many conflicting feelings when confronted with the possibility that their child may be having emotional, learning or developmental difficulties. Many parents feel totally alone and unable to mobilize themselves on behalf of their children. We would like to help.
abc Therapeutics staff understands what you are going through. We have helped thousands of parents learn how to navigate the special education system in their children's schools. We provide you with the information you need to be an effective advocate for your own child.